Marriage from A to Z

Principles for a Successful Marriage

“What An Amazing August!”

The month of August was truly amazing! We are so thankful to God for His faithfulness, kindness, and goodness towards us. As many of you know, we celebrated our 25th Wedding Anniversary on August 8th and decided to continue the celebration throughout the month of August. We planned various dates, traveled, created some memories, and spent time with family and friends.

My husband and I want to say “THANK YOU” to everyone who took the time to send an anniversary wish, card, or gift. We were so blessed by all of the love and kindness we received. God is so good and worthy of all of the praise. He truly is the glue who holds our marriage together. We are thankful to God for allowing us to see our 25th Anniversary and to be healthy enough to enjoy it. Our prayer is that we get to see many more years together.

We live in a time when couples are giving up on marriage and choosing to divorce. Therefore, each year that God maintains and sustains a marriage, it is worth celebrating. Celebrate the love, the good times, and the bad. Celebrate what God has done and what He is going to do. Celebrate the special moments, accomplishments, the children you have birthed, and the milestones that you have made.

God gets all the praise and the credit because He is a Keeper. Psalm 121:5 tells us, “The Lord is your keeper. . .” That’s good news because God is the best keeper that any of us could ever have. It doesn’t matter if you are single or married, you can be encouraged by knowing that God is a keeper! The question is, do you want to be kept?

In closing, I want to reiterate that August was an amazing month because God is amazing! The word amazing is defined as causing great surprise or sudden wonder. Life and marriage with God is amazing. No matter what you are facing, remember that God is an Amazing God! Nothing is too difficult for Him. Remember, God specializes in difficult situations. His track record is excellent and He can do exceedingly and abundantly above anything you can ask or think! (Ephesians 3:20)    

Until next time,


Enjoy this song!

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One thought on ““What An Amazing August!”

  1. Amazing! Congratulations again🎉

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